Senior Fitness

The senior population has been lied to. Most people have been taught to accept that a precipitous decline in health and fitness is to be expected as you get older. This is not true. There is nothing in our DNA that says our physical health and ability have to “fall off the cliff” once we hit a certain age. Additionally, with the proper guidance, you can recapture much of what you thought was lost.

If you stay active and treat your body well, you can expect to retain the vast majority of your strength, health and fitness well into your “senior years”. Not only is there empirical evidence to back this up, but there are too many FITNESS 2 THRIVE clients with remarkable success stories well into their 60s, 70s, and 80s to deny what’s actually possible.

Many people would also be shocked to learn how attainable a better quality of life can be, even if they’ve been diagnosed with health challenges or are dealing with pain and injury. Most of the senior population has been misinformed; you can have a much more active and pain-free life than you’ve been led to believe.

Money-back Guarantee

If you try the training and it’s not for you, or you’re not experiencing the progress you hoped for, FITNESS 2 THRIVE will give you a 100% refund of your money for up to two months worth of training or six sessions (whichever comes first).

FITNESS 2 THRIVE has honed a remarkably effective and efficient approach that can help you achieve levels of strength and fitness that you may have once thought unattainable.

Since pain keeps muscles from working properly, reducing or eliminating it is crucial if one desires to significantly improve strength, functional capacity or athletic performance.

For the younger athlete, proper training is a must for keeping injury risk to a minimum while increasing sport-specific fitness.